When you’re looking for a floral arrangement that combines bold color, captivating forms, and dramatic size, tropical flowers and foliage are a natural choice. With a variety of unusual shapes and textures, these blooms conjure an exotic atmosphere ideal for creating a lush effect for an event or evoking a sense of far-off pristine beaches in your home or office. Thankfully, although tropical flowers remind us of distant destinations, it’s not hard to find a good selection of blossoms and foliage at your local florist. Here are some to consider:

Heliconia – The colorful part of the heliconia used in flower arrangement is actually a group of tinted leaves called bracts (like poinsettias). In this plant, the bracts are shaped much like lobster claws, and they conceal the plant’s true flowers. They can be found in red, orange, and yellow.

Anthurium – Anthuriums are another tropical beauty in which the part we think of as the flower is really a modified leaf—in this case, a heart-shaped spathe that grows from the base of a spike called the spadix, which is where the tiny real flowers grow. They come in a wide variety of colors such as white, red, yellow, and pink, and make hardy cut flowers.

Ginger – The Zingiberaceae family includes over 1,300 species of plant that grow in the tropical and subtropical regions of Southeast Asia. Their cylindrical flowers, which look somewhat cone-like, have good vase life (up to 21 days, depending on the variety). Red is the color you’re most likely to see in a tropical arrangement.

Musa ornata – The ornamental banana plant is a tropical evergreen perennial that comes from southeast Asia. The blossoms grow from the middle of the plant on three to four-foot stems, and are found in purple, pink, orange, yellow, and white.

Monstera deliciosa – The large shiny green leaves of this plant bear deeply cut lobes and perforations in an overall oval shape. The plant is native to Mexico and South America, and produces edible fruits. Their generous size makes them a great partner for oversized tropical blooms.

Majesty palm – The leaves of Ravenna rivularis serve as a lovely backdrop for the bright-colored flowers that comprise most tropical arrangements. Many narrow leaves extend from the main stem on either side, forming the fan-like shape we tend to associate with palm fronds.

Ti leaf – Ti leaves are a classical element of foliage in Hawaiian arrangements, and are also used for making leis and hula skirts. However, these tall, wide leaves also go well with any type of tropical flower. They can be green, red, or variegated, depending on the type.

At Rachel Cho Floral Design, we know that the right selection of flowers and foliage can be the key to capturing the mood and aesthetic you’re looking for. Our combination of expertise, creativity, and quality can bring any vision to life, whether it’s modern, rustic, romantic, or exotic. To find out how we can help with all your floral needs, contact us today.

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